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Fear of Failure Realized

I find myself leaving a mess of emotions on the trails  Heartbreak Anger Frustration Disappointment Failure Remorse Shaken Directionless shame One of my friends posted this not knowing that I was in process of laying it all out to share my failure This is why I'm feeling all the emotions listed above- a little document called Arizona Administrative Code - Title 13, Chapter 4.  This 21 page governing document says I'm not fit to chase my dreams.  It says that a choice I made   20 years ago,  makes me unfit  to be a Peace Officer.   It's their loss, I'd make a goddamm good cop. But what really pisses me off is that my application was looked at by a human, not recruiting software that resumes get run through now.  It was looked at by a human that didn't want to take the time to look beyond the number THREE. THREE!! Three . That number took away the hope I had rekindled for my dream career. Let me step back for just

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